The following is a MUST READ>
Snakes taste the air with their tongues as they move, they do this to be able to taste their prey the same as we smell. Their senses are a lot more refined than ours and they can tell which way a prey source went by the taste being stronger on one side of their forked tongue than the other. The most effective way to prevent entry is to use these taste senses of the snake. You want to do this without harming the snake as he too is required in the food chain to help control pest species like rats and mice.
WATER BOWLS placed in the corners of your yards as well as in spots where snakes are likely to gain entry will prevent the thirsty snake ever having to enter your property because he can drink and leave without you ever seeing him. You will find the sauces for underneath plant pots are perfect for this job. Place a stone or brick in the bowl to allow the small snake to get out, also stop it from blowing away.
Keep filled with water, checking every two days.
Items stored around the home should be elevated off the ground so you can see under it and any visitors you might have. Being able to see allows you time to act safely and calmly while phoning to have him removed by a licensed Venomous Snake handler.
When dry it poses no risk to anything and is readily biodegradable.
Obtain small jars like Vegemite comes in and drill six to ten holes in the lid.
Fill jar with Scotts Wheelie Bin Cleaner (Phenyle) and put lid on, do not dilute the smell lasts longer if 100% Phenyle. Bury jar so that the lid stays above the ground, you should put them in each corner and every five meters on each side of enclosure. The odor will always be in the air and in most cases deter the snake from entering the enclosure.
Don't spray a snake with PHENYLE mixture you will kill him but you will have to put up with an angry snake before he passes.
IT IS NOT RECOMMENDED TO spray boundary fences because if a snake drops into the yard over a fence or out of a tree then he will be trapped in the area. You just want to protect your main areas.
Look closely around your home and fill any gaps in the building structure. If ventilation is required like in double brick walls you can use the thicker pot scourers made out of stainless steel, tear them apart and fill any gaps with this. Smaller snakes will not gain entry but the air will be able to. For larger areas you can purchase SNAKE AND MOUSE MESH using this you can fill in gaps at the bottom of colorbond fences burying it into the ground. You need to look at every gap above 3mm and cover it or fill it in..
I have taken snakes out of between the two pieces of glass on an oven door so this proves they can get anywhere. Just like this Gwardar under a Toaster!