

FAUNA FOR THE FUTURE is not a care organisation, rather we are the means to get a sick or injured bird the correct care it requires at its time of need. We align ourselves with carers in the areas we work in as well as the Vets. We make sure that a bird goes where it needs too and that it is transported there in the correct manner, the health and wellbeing of each individual being transported is held in the highest regard by all members of FFTF-Australia.

We operate this service on a Donation basis, this allows us to continue helping all of our NATIVE FAUNA -

Donations between $10 and $50 required to use this service.


PH 0439 796 633 Jaydene Bartley - GERALDTON (Limited Service)
0409 101 592 Caitlin Hunt - Geraldton (Limited Service)
PH 0499 771 453 Ryan Smith - Geraldton (Limited Service)
PH 0434 376 171 John Darch - Busselton (Limited Service)
PH 0424 195 909 Tony Darch - Busselton (Limited Service)
PH 0475 074 217 Ruan Pieters - Busselton (Limited Service)

WILDCARE HOTLINE - (08) 9474 9055

Ducks like the Teal pictured above with three ducklings was saved from a drain in Geraldton (being cleaned out by the shire) and relocated by us to a permanent spring two blocks away.

This Pacific Gull above had a hook in its stomach and the sinker hanging from its beak.

This juvenile Tawney Frog Mouth Owl was in danger when it was in a school during the day when it should have been in a tree. He was cared for in Geraldton and released back in the area he came from.

These Matsudaira's Storm Petrels were blown off course one being found in ThreeSprings, one in Mullewa and one in Geraldton. These birds are ocean living and can't take off from land they require the water for a run up. Everyone went to a carer to be checked and have a feed before being loaded onto a boat to be released off Islands off the Geraldton coast.

EMU - This one was a visitor to Flores rd Geraldton. He was the first emu successfully relocated out of town. He was darted by Alison from Stanford Vets and taken 42 km out of town. The whole process took over 6 hours to complete, still better than being shot. We remain the only organization who have relocated an emu from the Geraldton town centre.

OSPREY - This poor bird has a story behind her. A Tourist who was flying a drone wanted to look in the nest of the osprey, the bird did what any parent would do and protected her nest. Unfortunately she came off second best and was cared for by Janelle from Just Raptors. This is the most rewarding time when you get to release a rehabilitated individual.

WEDGE TAILED EAGLE - This one was rescued from outskirts of Geraldton Western Australia

PINK & GREY GALAH - This poor girl was caught up with fishing line in a tree in Geraldton (Western Australia) and with the help of a citizen who phoned us and Geraldton Fire & Rescue she was rescued and taken to Sanford Vets. After antibiotics and a check up it was deemed she would lose one toe but would be able to survive. FAUNA FOR THE FUTURE will go to whatever length necessary to help injured birds.

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